SCC Minutes for Sunday, April 13, 1997

Attending: Teresa Palumbo (Chair and Social Ministry), Scott Lindhurst (Secretary), Scott Hanson (Outreach), Tim Koehler (Education), Nate Blair (Hospitality), Kelly Brook and Scott White (D.C. Representatives), Brent Christianson (Campus Pastor), Laurie FoxPetrov (Campus Minister), Andrew Seaborg.

The meeting began with devotions by Scott Hanson.

Committee Reports

Old Business

We need new chairmen for many committees. If you're not going to run, look for someone who will take over for you.

New Business

What about an SCC appreciation dinner? We decided that after the next SCC meeting, we'll head over to the Terrace to celebrate.

The Lutheran Student Movement state retreat will be here at the LCC in October. We need help, so if you're interested, speak up.

There will be an overnight SCC retreat September 13-14 at the campus center to induce bonding among the new members.

SCC minutes are available on the web at