SCC Minutes for Sunday, May 5, 1996
Bryan Anderson (lame duck chairman),
Teresa Palumbo (new chair and Social Ministry),
Scott Lindhurst (Secretary),
Stephanie Lutter and Chris Magnell (new and old worship chairs),
Nate Blair and Andy Lubansky (Hospitality),
Terry Strauss (Fine Arts),
Brent Christianson (Campus Pastor).
The meeting began with devotions by Bryan.
Committee Reports
- Outreach. Andy says "everything is moving splendidly," but
we would like to think of better ways to find the Lutheran students
coming to campus since their pastors don't usually let us know.
- Worship. Chris showed us the list of ideas from the planning
meeting. The theme for the Fall worships is "renewal".
- Social Ministry mentioned some ideas from the planning
meeting, but none are definite enough to talk about here.
- Social Activities
may organize a trip to the American Players' Theater this summer,
but needs to check with Bethel so we don't see the play their APT
trip will see.
- Hospitality's best ideas from the planning meeting are to
move the couches to break up groups during Happy Half Hour and to
get more varied foods for the HHH.
- Fine Arts
is going well. Terry has the next couple shows lined up.
- Directing Committee still exists and everything's going well.
- Staff.
SCC members get a key that opens the student office and the main office. Brent
reminded us that only SCC members (and not our friends)
should use the key and offices.
New Business
We could make a float for the homecoming parade in October. It's a lot
of work, but could be fun and increase our visibility. We decided to
do it only if we get enough interest and volunteers.
Remember the summer worships in various parks (May 29, June 5, June 12).
Look for schedules, directions, and carpools at the Campus Center.
Very few people signed up for the Boundary Waters trip (most likely because
they're going to Eastern Europe in August instead), so the trip
probably won't go out this year.
The next SCC meeting is Sunday, September 8th, just after the first
week of classes.
Advice from the new chair
Committee chairmen should engage others in their committees.
Not only does that help keep them from burning out, it also
gets more people involved in the life of the Campus Center.
SCC minutes are available on the web at