SCC minutes for Sunday, October 23, 1994
Attending: Nikki, Emily, Krista, Erik, Jeremy, Brent, Frances,
Jessica, Scott, Laurie.
The meeting opened with devotions by Jeremy.
Erik's and Krista's names were misspelled in September's minutes.
They're correct now.
Committee Reports
- Outreach is still going.
- Worship is working on liturgies and themes for the spring.
During Advent there will be an added 9PM Wed. service at Memorial
- Education (Erik Rudeen).
Posters for Mary Rouse's visit were taken down within a couple days
of being put up. But Erik will persevere and put up posters for Pat
Richter's visit.
- Social Ministry (Emily Farwell).
The current theme of relationships is ending soon. Next up is
reality, including an artist and a volunteer with the homeless giving
their perspectives on life.
- Social Activities (Krista Bultmann).
An Italian potluck and Italian folk dancing are being held on Friday,
Nov. 11.
We discussed the winter banquet: should it be catered (expensive but
little work), homemade (inexpensive but a lot of work and staff would
get stuck doing the dishes while everyone else was dancing), or
potluck (cheap, but then it isn't a banquet)? Our decision was to
have the dinner catered and subsidize about $5 to keep the ticket
prices down to $10.
- Fine Arts.
Jodi knows someone who paints psychedelic vegetables. That's the
exhibit for November. Go see it today!
- Directing Committee is getting ready to conduct annual
staff reviews.
- Staff.
Brent talked to Marsh Shapiro (of the Nitty Gritty) about celebrating
Martin Luther's birthday. Staff will provide 32 coupons (32 = 511
years / 95 theses * 6 parts of the small catechism) for students to
get a free beer or pop on Nov. 11.
September and October Review
- There were many new people at the Welcome Banquet.
- Only 14 or 15 people gave blood at the blood drive. How can we
reach 20?
One suggestion was having "blood buddies" and going in groups to
encourage those who might otherwise be afraid.
Another possibility is having a wall of fame for those who donated
and a wall of shame of those who promised to donate but forgot.
Or instead of having blood drives, we could have join the one-a-week
club. That would require getting at least eight dedicated donors
so that one would be eligible to donate each week.
Upcoming SCC meetings
- November 20 - next SCC meeting.
- December 3 - Planning meeting.
- December 4 - SCC meeting to review the plan for spring.
- January 28 - mini-retreat with the Directing Committee.
- February 19 - SCC meeting.
- March 26 - SCC meeting.
- April 23 - SCC meeting.
- May 6 - likely date of the fall planning meeting.
- May 7 - likely date of the SCC planning meeting post-mortem.
Other Business
Erik noticed that the LCC is listed by the Student Organization
Office as a political organization instead of as a religious
organization. He will try to get that fixed.
SCC minutes are now available via Mosaic and other world wide web
browsers at